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Sliding Window

Sliding window can also be called two pointers, it use two pointers to define a sub-array of the origin array and keeps the loop invariant while steping on. The main idea behind the sliding window technique is to convert two nested loops into a single loop. And if the problem is to check something in a sub-array, sliding windwo may be applied.

The process of sliding window is:

  1. define the range \([left, right)\) with left and right pointers;
  2. determine to iterate left or right boundary and extend the other boundary;
  3. keep the invariant in loop and collect the results.

Fixed Size Window

Sometimes we have to find the minimum/maximum/average of a fixed-size window, here comes the technique that move left and right pointer equally. The general code is:

int m = arr.size(), l = 0, r = 0, sum = 0;
while (r < m) {
  while (r < m && r - l < size) sum += arr[r++];
  // collect answers
  sum -= arr[l++];

Flexible Size Window

In some situations the window size is not fixed, for example, we want to find a window whose sum is less or equal a target, the number of elements is not fixed, that's where the flexible-size window works.

The pattern is like:

int m = arr.size(), l = 0; r = 0;
while (r < m) {
  while (is_invalid(window)) window.remove(arr[l++]);
  // Collect the answers here

Count Prolems in Window

Some problems also need the times of number or charactor's appearance, we can use an array or hash to store them.

And if we want to count the number of elements in a range [low, high], we can convert the problem to find the required elements less or equal to a number, and then return less_or_equal(high) - less_or_equal(low - 1).

Other Properties in Window

This class of problems needs not only sliding window, but also other data structures to get the required features effeciently.