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Effective Modern C++

This is a summary of the book "Effective Modern C++" which gives 42 specific ways to imporve your programs and designs by Scott Meyers.

1. Understand template type deduction.

  • During template type deduction, arguments that are references are treated as non-reference, i.e., their reference-ness is ignored.
  • When deducing types for universal reference parameters, lvalue arguments get special treatment.
  • when deducing types for by-value parameters, const and/or volatile arguments are treated as non-const and non-volatile.
  • During template type deduction, arguments that are array or function names decay to pointers, unless they're used to initialize references.

2. Understand auto type deduction.

  • auto type deduction is usually the same as template type deduction, buy auto type deduction assumes that a braced initializer represents a std::initializer_list, and template type deduction doesn't.
  • auto in a function return type or a lambda parameter implies template type deduction, not auto type deduction.

3. Understand decltype.

  • decltype almost always yields the type of a variable or expression without any modifications.
  • For lvalue expressions of type T other than names, decltype always reports a type of T&.
  • C++14 supports decltype(auto), which, like auto, deduces a type from its initializer, but it performs the type deduction using the decltype rules.

4. Know how to view deduced types.

  • Deduced types can often be seen using:
    • IDE editors,
    • compiler error messages,
    • Boost TypeIndex library.
  • The results of some tools may be neither helpful nor accurate, so an understanding of C++'s type deduction rules remains essential.

5. Prefer auto to explicit type declarations.

  • The advances are:
    • auto variables must be initialized,
    • immune to type mismatches that can lead to portability or efficiency problems,
    • can ease the process of refactoring,
    • require less typing than variables with explicitly specified types.
  • auto-typed variables are subject to the pitfalls described in iterm 2 and 6.

6. Use the explicitly typed initializer idiom when auto deduces undesired types.

  • "Invisible" proxy types can cause auto to deduce the "wrong" type for an initializing expression.
  • The explicitly typed initializer idiom forces auto to deduce the type you want it to have.

7. Distinguish between () and {} when creating objects.

  • Braced initialization is the most widely usable initialization syntax, it prevents narrowing conversions, and it's immune to C++'s most vexing parse.
  • During constructor overload resolution, braced initializers are matched to std::initializer_list parameters if at all possible, even if other constructors offer seemingly better matches.
  • An example of where the choice between parentheses and braces can make a significant difference is creating a std::vector<numeric type> with two arguments.
  • Choosing between parentheses and braces for object creation inside templates can be challenging.

8. Prefer nullptr to 0 and NULL.

  • Avoid overloading on integral and pointer types.

9. Prefer alias declarations to typedefs.

  • typedefs don't support templatization, but alias declarations do.
  • Alias templates avoid the ::type suffix and, in templates, the "typename" prefix often required to refer to typedefs.
  • C++14 offers alias templates for all the C++11 type traits transformations.

10. Prefer scoped enums to unscoped enums.

  • C++98-style enums are now known as unscoped enums.
  • Enumerators of scoped enums are visible only within the enum. They convert to other types only with a cast.
  • Both scoped and unscoped enums support specification of the underlying type. The default underlying type for scoped enums is int. Unscoped enums have no default underlying type.
  • Scoped enums may always be forward-declared. Unscoped enums may be forward-declared only if their declaraation specifies an underlying type.

11. Prefer deleted functions to private underfined ones.

  • Any function may be deleted, including non-member functions and template instantiations.

12. Declare overriding functions override.

  • Declare overriding functions override.
  • Member function reference qualifiers make it possible to treat lvalue and rvalue objects(*this) diffrently.

13. Prefer const_iterators to iterators.

  • In maximally generic code, prefer non-member versions of begin, end, rbegin, etc, over their member function counterparts.

14. Declare functions noexcept if they won't emit exceptions.

  • noexcept is part of a function's interface, and that means that callers may depend on it.
  • noexcept functions are more optimizable than non-noexcept functions.
  • noexcept is particularly valuable for the move operations, swap, memory deallocation functions and destructions.
  • Most functions are exception-neutral rather than noexcept.

15. Use constexpr whenever possible.

  • constexpr objects are const and are initialized with values known during compilation.
  • constexpr functions can produce compile-time results when called with arguments whose values are known during compilation.
  • constexpr objects and functions may be used in a wider range of contexts than non-constexpr objects and functions.
  • constexpr is part of an object's or function's interface.

16. Make const member functions thread safe.

  • Make const member functionsthreadsafe unless you're certain they'll never be used in a concurrent context.
  • Use of std::atomic variables may offer better performance than a mutex, but they're suited for manipulation of only a single variable or memory location.

17. Understand special member function generation.

  • The special member functions are those compilers may generate on their own:
    • default constructor,
    • destructor,
    • copy constructor,
    • copy operator,
    • move constructor,
    • move operator
  • Move operations are generated only for classes lacking explicitly declared move operations, copy operations and a destructor.
  • The copy operations are generated only for classes lacking an explicitly declared copy operations, and it's deleted if a move operation is declared.
  • Member function templates never suppress generation of special member functions.

18. Use std::unique_ptr for exclusive-ownership resource management.

  • std::unique_ptr is a small, fast, move-only smart pointer for managing resources with exclusive-ownership semantics.
  • By default, resource destruction takes place via delete, but custom deleters can be specified. Stateful deleters and function pointers as deleters increase the size of std::unique_ptr objects.
  • Converting a std::unique_ptr to a std::shared_ptr is easy.

19. use std::shared_ptr for shared-ownership resource management.

  • std::shared_ptrs offer convenience approaching that of garbage collection for the shared lifetime management of arbitrary resources.
  • Compared to std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr objects are typically twice as big, incur overhead for control blocks, and require atomic reference count manipulations.
  • Default resource destruction is via delete, but custom deleters are supported. The type of the deleter has no effect on the type of the std::shared_ptr.
  • Avoid creating std::shared_ptrs from viariable of raw pointer type.

20. Use std::weak_ptr for std::shared_ptr-like pointers that can dangle.

  • Use std::weak_ptr for std::shared_ptr-like pointers that can dangle.
  • Potential use cases for std::weak_ptr includes caching, observer lists, and the prevention of std::shared_ptr cycles.

21. Prefer std::make_unique and std::make_shared to direct use of new.

  • Compared to direct use of new, make functions eliminate source code duplication, improve exception safety, and, for std::make_shared and std::allocate_shared, generate code that's smaller and faster.
  • Situations where use of make functions is inappropriate include the need to specify custom deleters and a desire to pass braced initializers.
  • For std::shared_ptrs, additional situations where make functions may be ill-advised include:
    • classes with custom memory management,
    • systems with memory concerns, very large objects, and std::weak_ptrs that outlive the corresponding std::shared_ptrs.

22. When using the Pimpl(Pointer to implementation) Idiom, define special member functions in the implementation file.

  • The Pimpl Idiom decreases build times by reducing compilation dependencies between class clients and class implementations.
  • For std::unique_ptr pImpl pointers, declare special member functions in the class header, but implement them in the implementation file. Do this even if the default function implementations are acceptable.
  • The above advice applies to std::unique_ptr, but no to std::shared_ptr.

23. Understand std::move and std::forward.

  • std::move performs an uncoditional cast to an rvalue. In and of itself, it doesn't move anything.
  • std::forward casts its argument to an rvalue only if that argument is bound to an rvalue. Neitherstd::movenorstd::forward` do anything at runtime.

24. Distinguish universal references from rvalue references.

  • If a function template parameter has type T&& for a deduced type T, or if an object is declared using auto&&, the parameter or object is a universal reference.
  • If the form of the type declaration isn't precisely type&&, or if type deduction does not occur, type&& denotes an rvalue reference.
  • Universal references correspond to rvalue references if they're initialized with rvalues. The correspond to lvalue references if they're initialized with lvalues.

25. Use std::move on rvalue references, std::forward on universal references.

  • Apply std::move to rvalue references and std::forward to universal references the last time each is used.
  • Do the same thing for rvalue references and universal references being returned from functions that return by value.
  • Never apply std::move or std::forward to local objects if they would otherwise be eligible for the return value optimization.

26. Avoid overloading on universal references.

  • Overloading on universal references almost always leads to the universal reference overload being called more frequently than expected.
  • Perfect-forwarding constructors are especially problematic, because they're typically better matches than copy constructors for non-cost lvalues, and they can hijack derived class calls to base class copy and move constructors.

27. Familiarize yourselff with alternatives to overloading on universal references.

  • Alternatives to the combination of universal references and overloading include:
    • the use of distinct function names,
    • passing parameters by lvalue-reference-to-cost,
    • passing parameters by value,
    • using tag dispatch.
  • Constraining template via std::enable_if permits the use of universal references and overloading together, but it controls the conditions under which compilers may use the universal reference overloads.
  • Universal reference parameters often have efficiency advantages, but they typically have usability diadvantages.

28. Understand reference collapsing.

  • Reference collapsing occurs in four contexts:
    • template instantiation,
    • auto type generation,
    • creation and use of typedefs and alias declarations,
    • decltype
  • When compilers generate a reference to a reference in a reference collapsing context, the result becomes a single reference. If either of the original references is an lvalue reference, the result is an lvalue reference. Otherwise it's an rvalue reference.
  • Universaal references are rvalue references in contexts where type deduction distinguishes lvalues from rvalues and where reference collapsing occurs.

29. Assume that move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used.

  • Assume that move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used.
  • In code with known types or support for move semantics, there is no need for assumptions.

30. Familiarize yourself with perfect forwarding failure cases.

  • Perfect forwarding fails when template type deduction fails or when it deduces the wrong type.
  • The kinds of arguments that lead to perfect forwarding failure are:
    • braced initializers,
    • null pointers expressed as 0 or NULL,
    • declaration-only integral const static data members,
    • template and overloaded function names,
    • bitfields.

31. Avoid default capture modes.

  • Default by-reference capture can lead to dangling references.
  • Default by-value capture is susceptible to dangling pointers(especially this), and it misleadingly suggests that lambdas are self-contained.

32. Use init capture to move objects into closures.

  • Use C++14's init capture to move objects into closures.
  • In C++11, emulate init capture via:
    • hand-written classes,
    • std::bind

33. Use decltype on auto&& parameters to std::forward them.

  • Use decltype on auto&& parameters to std::forward them.

34. Prefer lambda to std::bind.

  • Lambdas are more readable, more expressive, and may be more efficient than using std::bind.
  • In C++11 only, std::bind may be useful for implementing move capture or for binding objects with templatized function call operators.

35. Prefer task-based programming to thread-based.

  • The std::thread API offers no direct way to get return values from asynchronouly run functions, and if those functions throw, the program is terminated.
  • Threadd-base programming calls for manual management of thread exhaustion, oversubscription, load balancing, and adaptation to new platform.
  • Task-based programming via std::async with the default launch policy handles most of these issues for you.

36. Specify std::launch::async if asynchronicity is essential.

  • The default launch policy for std::async permits both asynchronous and synchronous task execution.
  • This flexibility leads to uncertainty when accessing thread_locals, implies that the task may never execute, and affects program logic for timeout-based wait calls.
  • Specify std::launch::async if asynchronous task execution is essential.

37. Make std::threads unjoinable on all paths.

  • Make std::threads unjoinable on all paths.
  • join-on-destruction can lead to difficult-to-debug performance anomalies.
  • detach-on-destruction can lead to difficult-to-debug undefined behavior.
  • Declare std::thread objects last in lists of data members.

38. Be aware of varying thread handle destructor behavior.

  • Future destructors normally just destroy the future's data members.
  • The final future referring to a shared state for a non-deferred task launched via std::async blocks until the task completes.

39. Consider void function for one-shot event communication.

  • For simple event communication, condvar-based designs require a superfluous mutex, impose constraints on the relative progress of detecting and reacting tasks, and require reacting tasks to verify that the event has taken place.
  • Design employing a flag avoid those problems, but are based on polling, not blocking.
  • Using std::promises and futures dodges these issues, but the approach uses heap memory for shared states, and it's limited to one-shot communication.

40. Use std::atomic for concurrency, volatile for special memory.

  • std::atomic is for data accessed from multiple threads without using mutexes, It's a tool for writing concurrent software.
  • volatile is for memory where reads and writes should not be optimized away. It's a tool for working with special memory.

41. Consider pass by value for copyable parameters that are cheap to move and always copied.

  • For copyable, cheap-to-move parameters that are always copied, pass by value may be nearly as efficient as pass by reference, it's easier to implement, and it can generate less object code.
  • Copying parameters via construction may be significantly more expensive than copying them via assignment.
  • Pass by value is suject to the slicing problem, so it's typically inappropriate for base class parameter types.

42. Consider emplacement instead of insertion.

  • In principle, emplacement functions should sometimes be more efficient than their insertion counterparts, and they should never be less efficient.
  • In practice, they're most likely to be faster when:
    • the value being added is constructed into the container, not assigned;
    • the argment types passed differ from the type held by the container;
    • the container won't reject the value being added due to it being a duplicate.
  • Emplacement functions may perfrom type conversions that would be rejected by insertion functions.
