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Fem(Finite Element Method)pos Smooth

The optimization variables are points(x, y) position. The object function can be wrriten as:

\[ Cost_{all} = Cost_{smooth} + Cost_{length} + Cost_{deviation} \]

Smooth Cost


As we can see,

\[ \vec{v_2} = \vec{v_0} + \vec{v_1} \]

and the shorter \(|\vec{v_2}|\) is, the smoother \(p_0 \to p_1 \to p_2\) become. In vector format:

$$ \begin{align} \vec{v_0} &= P_0 - P_1 \ \vec{v_1} &= P_2 - P_1 \ \vec{v_2} &= \vec{v_0} + \vec{v_1} \end{align} $$ So,

\[ Cost_{smooth} = \sum_{k = 1}^{n - 2} ||2 P_k - P_{k - 1} + P_{k + 1}||^2_2 \]

This cost can also be descriped as: img

As \(\theta\) decreases, \(cos \theta\) decreases too. So,

\[ Cost_{smooth} = \sum_{k = 1}^{n - 2} \frac{\vec{v_0} \cdot \vec{v_1}}{|\vec{v_0}| \cdot |\vec{v_1}|} \]

As we can see, if we use \(\theta\) for smooth, the cost will not be a qp problem, we should solve it with a nonlinear solver.

Length Cost

\[ Cost_{length} = \sum_{k = 0}^{n - 2} ||P_{k + 1} - P_{k}||^2_2 \]

Deviation Cost

\[ Cost_{deviation} = \sum_{k = 0}^{n - 1} ||P_k - P_{k_{ref}}||_2^2 \]

Curve Rate Constraints



  • \(|P_0 P_1| \approx |P_1 P_2|\), each piece of segment has almost the same length;
  • \(\theta\) is small, so \(sin\theta \approx cos \theta\);
  • \(ds \approx arc P_1 \to P_2\) , distance between two points is approximately equal to the arc of them.

As we can see in above figure, \(|P_0P_1| = |P_1 P_2|\), \(|P_0 A| = |P_0P_1|\) :

\[ \frac{L}{ds} =\frac{ds}{R} \]
\[ L = |\vec{P_0P_1} + \vec{P_1P_2}| = \frac{|\vec{P_1P_2}|^2} {R} \]